The zoo

A couple of days ago we went to the zoo. I’m only writing this post now because I needed to copy the photos from my camera to my phone.

Anyway, the zoo was really fun. We got to feed some monkeys fruit while they climbed all over us.

We also got to feed 5 kgs of carrots to emus,



a wolf (didn’t feed it carrots),

a hippo (no carrots either),

a dinosaur,

an elephant,

and giraffes.

After the tour we went to a bird show,

and after that we got to see a seal doing tricks.

The Key

Hi everyone. Sorry I haven’t written anything for a few days. Today we went to an escape room called “The Key”. We had one hour to defuse the bomb and get out of the room. We might do another escape room in Seville. We got quite a bit of it done but we didn’t manage to escape.

We also climbed the cathedral tower and it was FREEZING.